Carol Mandracchia, Substitute Teacher
Carol taught Pre-K for 21 years in the public school setting, until her retirement in 2019. Throughout her career she sought to promote learning through play and nature experiences.
While teaching, Carol also earned a certification in Nature Based Early Childhood Education from Antioch University in New Hampshire.
Bringing her love of nature back to her school, students, and colleagues, Carol introduced a program for children to learn through nature experiences both inside, and outdoors in nature’s classroom! This model continues to be shared and implemented with students from Pre-K to Grade 5.
Carol and her husband raised their family in New Jersey, before relocating to southern Vermont—where they still reside, with their two dogs. As luck would have it, her children settled in Massachusetts where they are raising young families, and Carol’s two young grandsons attend BOPN!
In addition to spending time with family in Massachusetts, Carol enjoys nurturing her artistic side as she continues to hone her knitting and quilting skills.