Kim Ripley, Early Care Consultant & Teacher Coach

Kim has been teaching children 0-3 for nearly 30 years and is endlessly fascinated by the sense of self with which each child enters our community and finds daily joy in watching the way very young children explore and uncover the wonder of our world.

Kim’s non classroom professional accomplishments include numerous publications in ECE journals and presenting at local and national early childhood professional development seminars and conferences, including a five year cross-cultural research project on the topic “Babies as Mentors” in collaboration with the Poppins International Pre-schools in Japan and with the support of Ben Mardell and Harvard’s Project Zero.

Kim enjoys supporting the learning of student and new teachers at the ELC, at Greenfield Community College where she teaches Infant Toddler Care (EDU123), and coaching and consulting at various programs around New England.


Katrina McNaughton, Marketing Coordinator


Paula Jordan, Teacher Coach