Jude Grauso, Substitute Teacher

Jude is fluent in American Sign Language and teaches sign language classes at the Cambridge Center for Adult Education.

Jude Grauso graduated from Post University with an NAEYC accredited degree in early childhood education and is currently continuing for a second degree in family and child services. Jude has worked with children in various settings including head start programs, preschools, and out of school time programs for several years.

They believe in and are passionate about the importance of outdoor learning and its impact for young minds and bodies.

Jude is fluent in American Sign Language and enjoys teaching sign language level 1 and 2 classes at the Cambridge center for adult education.

When Jude isn’t teaching they enjoy hiking the northern strand trail and many of the beautiful parks in Massachusetts. They also enjoy spending time with their many pets, their friends, and doing activities such as reading, and cooking.


Kathi Stimson, Substitute Teacher


Emily Yaffe, Substitute Teacher